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Test Prep

I tutor students one-on-one and also in small groups and larger classes, focusing on the tips, tricks, and strategies for raising test scores. This involves recognizing the types of questions (and types of trick answers) and practice across a wide range of vocabulary, reading comprehension, and math problems. I believe in mnemonic devices and other memory tricks, humor, visual learning, and working differently with different learning styles. I also work on strategies for stress-reduction to help optimize test scores.
However -- and this may be an odd thing for a test prep teacher to say -- I don't think it's all about the test scores. I think that when test prep is done right, it can help clarify and solidify work done in math classes, improve vocabulary, and enhance reading comprehension. These are skills that transfer across all subjects, at all levels, and can help raise grades in general and deepen the level of learning. And when it's really done right, it can actually make learning, homework, and test-taking not just more successful but also more enjoyable and rewarding.
Tests covered: SSAT, ICEE, HSPT (Catholic Secondary School exam), SAT, ACT, SAT subject tests, AP exams, and any other entrance or achievement exams. For any subject matter outside of my own expertise, I work closely with extraordinarily talented and credentialed colleagues, bringing them in to ensure that each students gets the expertise they need across all fields and subjects.
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